Opening Hours
Ticketing & Information Services
Opening Hours:Tue to Sun, 12:00-20:00Closed on national holiday
, while opening hours may
vary to accommodate
performance schedules
Phone:(02) 8866-9600 ext. 2111 or 2112
Location:First floor, Taiwan Music Institute
Taiwan Music Institute
Opening Hours:Tue to Sun, 10:00-17:00Closed for lunch 12:00-13:00
Not open to the public on
Mondays and national holidays
Underground parking lot
Opening Hours:Daily, 24 hoursPhone:02-2834-2411
Lutetia Café & Bakery
Phone:02-2832-2836Opening Hours:Mon to Fri 06:30-19:00
Sat、Sun 07:00-19:00
(opening till 20:00 during
performing event)